Thriller Sub Genre: Action Thriller
Location: A Garage
Intended target audience: 15 - 23 year olds
Idea: Close up shot of a boy tied up on the floor. One girl is standing by the boy making threatening gestures of interrogation. The other girl is outside on her phone speaking to someone and when finished walks into where the boy is tied up and says "I got the call. Now finish him". Then the boy struggling through the ties and murmuring trying to get help is pulled onto his knees by girl number one and put through a series of different torture actions.
Idea 2 by: Jade Lamb
Thriller Sub Genre: Action Thriller
Intended Target Audience: 15 - 28
Setting: Dark Garage like location
Idea: A man has been kidnapped and taken to a dark garage.
The man is in a chair tied up surrounded by darkness, there is a light on the
man. The man tries to get up but a girls comes out of the darkness and pushes
the man back into the chair and holds them there. The man starts yelling
"Who are you? Why am I here?" another girl appears smiling saying
"You know why your here". Then we see from the mans point of view,
one of the girls coming towards him with a knife. Then from a low angle we see
the mans feet tied up and he is struggling, then he stops struggling and we see
blood drip on to the floor. Then the screen blacks out and the title appears.
Idea 3 by: Tommy Shankland
Thriller Sub Genre: Horror Thriller
Intended Target Audience: 18 - 25
Setting: A Park
Idea: Two friends are out in the park and they spot a mysterious figure in the distance as the person slowly approaches them. The two friends look at each other to show that they are creeped out and when they look back she is gone and then she appears behind them and stabs one of them in the back and the other friend runs for their life through the park, only to be caught at a dead end. The opening ends on the killer slowly approaching the friend with a fade out and a scream.
Idea: Two friends are out in the park and they spot a mysterious figure in the distance as the person slowly approaches them. The two friends look at each other to show that they are creeped out and when they look back she is gone and then she appears behind them and stabs one of them in the back and the other friend runs for their life through the park, only to be caught at a dead end. The opening ends on the killer slowly approaching the friend with a fade out and a scream.
Idea 4 by; Shakil Stanley-Khan
Thriller Sub Genre: Action Thriller
Location: Columbia
Intended target audience: 18-25 year olds
Idea: The shot fades in to a room. There is a boy tied up on
a chair, covered in blood. Two girls are standing there talking to him. The
girls bust out a knife puts it to his throat and starts threatening him, trying
to get the information out of him. Then there is a loud bang from outside, the
girls turn around and the boy breaks free. He starts to run away, then the
girls turn around and shoot him in the back of the legs and he drops to the
floor. He then turns around looks at them and they say something to him, he
replies then they shoot him in the head.
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