My Preliminary Task Script
Character A: (Sitting
down on floor tied up in ropes)
Character B: (Walks
into room) See what you’ve got yourself into?
Character A: (Tries
shouting through the cover around their mouth)
Character C: (Enters
room and kicks Character A down) You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done to
Character B: (Walks
over to Character A and pulls down cover from their mouth aggressively) You
better tell us now who put you up to all of this!
Character A: You already know who sent me here. (Gestures with eyes to look in his pocket)
Character C: (Walks over to the pocket, pulls out a card
with details and shows Character B) ITS HIM.
The purpose of filming this Preliminary task was to show the variation of rules we should be using when we make our final film. These rules consist of: match-on-action, 180 degree rule and shot-reverse-shot. For example, during shot reverse shot we filmed this staying between the line without breaking the 180 degree rule, Another rule we used was match-on-action, as we see Shakil walking through the door.

This shot filmed presents the rule of match on action, showing Shakil opening the door and then filming him from a different angle walking through the door.
The next shot continues the rule of match on action showing Shakil coming through the door from a different angle.
This shot filmed presents the rule of match on action, showing Shakil opening the door and then filming him from a different angle walking through the door.
The next shot continues the rule of match on action showing Shakil coming through the door from a different angle.
Preliminary Task with sound
In this video we included sound to our clips, cleared up any mistakes made along the way and added titles in. When we edited our task and watched it back over again we realised that we needed to change some things according to the rules we were following.
Shot reverse shot mistake Shot reverse shot adjusted
For example in this shot on the left side, we can see that I am facing to the left, and does not follow the 180 degree rule. However, the close up shot on the right side does follow the 180 degree rule as we fixed this when editing.
This supports the shot reverse shot error made and is evidence of how we fixed the shot so it now flows with the next scene.
In this shot, it shows myself pulling a piece of paper from the envelope left on the table, slowly opening up the paper so the audience can see what it says and read it as though it is from my point of view. The audience can then hear a sudden sharp sound which represents shock/surprise and could also convey that something bad is going to happen in the next scene.
Preliminary Task Script Used in Filming
Character C: * Walks into room where character A and B are
sitting* You got my stuff yet?
Character A: Yeah we want the money first.
Character C: * Pulls out an envelope*
Character B: * Exchanges small package for envelope*
Character C: I will be off then. * Leaves room*
Character A and B: * Checks envelope and realizes there’s
only paper and no money. A and B leave the room and follow character C*
Character C: * Turns around and notices they are being
followed, then starts running and trips*
Character A and B: * Stands over character C looking down
smiling then pulls out a gun points the gun at C*
Character A: We will be off then * Walks off*
Character B: *Shoots character C*
Preliminary Task Storyboard
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